Selasa, 30 Oktober 2007

Halloween Jokes

Where do ghosts mail their letters?Answer: At the ghost office
What do goblins mail home while on vacation?Answer: Ghostcards.
What's a ghosts favorite ride at the carnival?Answer: The roller ghoster
What tops off a ghost's sundae?Answer: Whipped Scream
What directions did the ghost give the goblin?Answer: "Make a fright turn at the corner.".
What's a goblin's favorite flavor?Answer: Lemon n' Slime.
How do you picture yourself flying on a broom?Answer: By witchful thinking.
What does a sorceress wear?Answer: A bewitching outfit.
What do you call Count Dracula's cookout?Answer: Vampire camfire.
Where do vampires live?Answer: In the Vampire State Building.
What is a vampires favortie mode of transportation?Answer: A blood vessel.
Why wasn't the vampire working?Answer: He was on his coffin break.
What's a vampire's favorite feast?Answer: Fangsgiving Day dinner.
Why did the vampire need mouthwash?Answer: She had bat breath.
What instrument does a skeleton play?Answer: A trombone.
Who are some of the werewolves cousins?Answer: The whatwolves and the whenwolves.
What kind of hot dogs do werewolves like best?Answer: Hallowieners.
What's a ghoul's favorite breakfast cereal?Answer: Rice Creepies.
What do you call serious rocks?Answer: Grave stones.
Why was the zombie so grumpy?Answer: She woke up too early in the mourning

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